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Saturday, 25 February 2012

Sepia Saturday 114 - Shoes

I thought the theme for this week's Sepia Saturday, shoes, would be a relatively easy one, but when I looked through my vintage postcards I found that most of the postcards of people were either head or upper body shots. These that were full length were either of elegant ladies whose shoes were hidden under their long dresses, or men with fairly non-descript footwear. Determined not to give up and go 'off theme', and equally determined not to re-publish a post I did about horseshoes several months ago, I kept looking and eventually came across this postcard of George VI in a fine pair of shoes. Of course, the rest of the outfit is pretty impressive too.

His Majesty King George VI

Although this next postcard doesn't show his shoes, I didn't feel I could show one without the other.

His Majesty King George VI

As usual 100's more vintage postcards on my web site



  1. His shoes are great but the socks make the picture.

  2. I totally agree with you...and my last few weeks have been so hectic I feel like I haven't given some of my posts half the chance...but you certainly pulled this out lovely! It's amazing how one theme of shoes can bring out so many various kinds of posts...

  3. They are magnificent postcards, nonetheless, DB. I don't think Colin Firth looked much like George. It was a good film mind you.

    Nice post.

  4. That’s a very snazzy pair of socks and does rather take the eyes away from the shoes! I’m glad the horseshoes snuck in even if only via a link:)

  5. It's the socks that really tie the red coat and plaid cape together. Low profile shoes to get the most sockage. He was thinking!

  6. I don't know whether Great Britain had shoe advertising on postcards, but there are some nice shoe ads on U.S. postcards.

  7. That is quite an outfit with the kilt. and such well shined shoes.

  8. @Kat - agree the King's Speech was a magnificent film. Thought Colin Firth was excellent, even though as you say he does not look like KGVI.

  9. I loved that film as well. It was so nice getting to know king George. And your postcards add to the story. What outfits he had to wear!

  10. Fine cards and especial thanks for the horseshoes - the emblem of my home county, Rutland.

  11. The shoes theme does seem to have caused problems for some people - but you have a regal selection of footwear on display.

  12. It's good to see what shoes are appropriate with a kilt.


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