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Friday, 8 March 2013

Sepia Saturday 167 - Vintage postcards of Cornish waters

A great picture by Alan for this week's Sepia Saturday, and plenty of prompts, but alas I have covered piers and a steam ship fairly recently so have opted for water instead, although both of postcards do also include ships.

The ship on the first postcard looks disproportionately big compared to the canal, but at the same time the canal looks wider than a normal canal. Maybe my old eyes are deceiving me ... makes me think of the Father Ted episode where Ted is trying to explain size and distance to Dougal ... "These Cows Are Small, Those Cows Are Far Away!"

Vintage postcard of a ship on the canal, Bude, Cornwall

Vintage postcard of Charlestown Harbour Entrance, Cornwall

As usual 100's more vintage postcards on my web site


  1. Oh these are so lovely and I can hear the call of the sea!

  2. Two places in Cornwall that I would like to visit,

  3. I see what you mean about the perspective. Great postcards.

  4. Fine old postcards. (RPPC) I loved that episode of Father Ted too! Classic!

  5. Oh how wonderful! I stayed in Bude in a small hotel right next to the canal.

  6. The photos of working ships always look nice in calm weather. The reality of a maritime town was very less romantic. But that wouldn't sell many postcards.

  7. I want to know how they parked that boat in that little bitty spot?


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