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Sunday, 28 October 2012

Sepia Saturday 149 - Spa

Another late Sepia Saturday posting from me again this week, but I have a good excuse in that I was out making the most of the autumn leaves. I was really struggling with the theme until I spotted Kat's mention of the word "spa" which rescued me from going off theme. So, without further ado, here are a few vintage postcards of various spa towns in the UK.

Spa from the pier, Bridlington, Yorkshire

Royal Pump Rooms, Lower Parade, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire

Scarborough Spa, Promenade and Bay, Yorkshire

The Spa, Scarborough, Yorkshire

As usual 100's more vintage postcards on my web site



  1. Yorkshire seems to be a popular area for spa's. What is so special there? Underground rivers or lakes? In any case, you seem to have stacks of postcards suitable for any SS theme! Impressive.

  2. Those leaves are fun aren't they! It's like three times a day sweeping them off our deck and still they arrive! We don't even have that many trees! It's funny though when you mention late, because I believe or always thought that we were actually posting Sepia Saturday on Saturday! Although our Saturday is your Sunday! Ha! Ha! I say it doesn't matter- when just that you do! I liked these postcards too, excellent choice! Spas are it!

  3. I did a post earlier this year on the Scarborough Spa Orchestra/Band. It fun to see the bandstand in action.

  4. I'm glad you're late, as I'm late on some of my visits to the SS participants. The Scarborough Spa appeals to me - maybe it's the color of the bandstand roof, I don't know. Or the seaside. Whatever, it seems lively.

  5. Ah, the only one I have come near to is missing. No Cheltenham?

    Love to see these old cards, nonetheless. The Yorkshire spots look quite popular.

    1. Ah yes, went to school in Cheltenham Spa for 7 years, but alas not postcard this time.

  6. Scarborough is lovely, I think it is the tinting that I like the most...yes, I struggled too...we can just make our own similarities or not....

  7. I always find the tinted cards appealing. Better late than never! (Which includes my reading all the Sepia Sat. posts)


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