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Saturday, 1 October 2011

Postcard Friendship Friday - Birthday Horoscope (Sagittarius)

Despite going to various postcard events, and rummaging through antique and charity shops, I have never come across a vintage Halloween postcard here in the UK. However, not wanting to be left out of this week's Postcard Friendship Friday I have decided to share a vintage birthday postcard instead. This is in Valentine's Birthday Horoscope series, and shows the star sign Sagittarius.

Vintage birthday greetings postcard, c.1943

As usual 100's more vintage postcards on my web site


  1. Fun card. I don't believe I've seen a horoscope postcard before! Happy PFF!

  2. First time to see a horoscope postcard. At first I thought it's a tarot card.

    Happy weekend.

  3. Great card which looks like a poster!

  4. It's a fun postcard.I would love to have one with my horoscope on it :)

    Postcards Crossing

  5. I'm with Sreisaat, One with my sign would be neat.

    I have a contest this week. Please visit and leave a comment to enter.

  6. Hello dear,

    WAOH this is really beautiful and so original! I have a few sagittarius friend who will probably like to receive one like this. Will try to find some.

    Thanks to the PFF I'm travelling the world.

    Hope you'll come by mine too and wish you a lovely day



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