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Sunday, 18 September 2011

Sunday Stamps 36 - South America

This week's Sunday Stamps was a bit of a challenge for me. As I've no doubt mentioned before, my stamp collection was handed down from my father and mainly consisted of stamps that were sent on letters and postcards from relatives who were serving in various British Commonwealth countries (mainly Africa). I had to search low and high for any South American stamps at all, but I eventually found these 2 in what was probably a page from my very first stamp album. Unfortunately however I know next to nothing about these stamps. I did tyr and research them on the internet but became not much useful information turned up ... suspect I was being too impatient. So I have no idea of the dates of these stamps.

The first stamp is a 3 Pesos stamp of Tierra del Fuego, and the second is a 50 centavos stamp of Pozo de Petroleo en el Mar (which roughly translates to Oil Well in the Sea). This one has been overstamped with Servicio Oficial.



  1. Looking for information on specific stamps can be very frustrating.

  2. I have the Tierra del Fuego stamp you've shown. You have to be lucky or have specialist knowledge to track down dates of issue.

  3. Great stamps! I went off to Wikipedia to learn more about Tierra del fuego. thanks for participating.

  4. I like these monochromatic stamps. Thank you for sharing.

  5. similar to SG 675 & SG656

  6. similar to SG 675 & SG656


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