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Friday, 5 November 2010

Vintage postcards - Victorian/Edwardian ladies in bathing costumes

Today's blog entry features 2 artist drawn, vintage postcards of ladies in bathing costumes. The first is a magnificent postcard with vibrant colour in both foreground and an incredible silvery background. The second card is more subtley shaded, but beautifully drawn nevertheless. I suspect the style of each of these cards has a specific name, so if anyone knows please share the knowledge. 

Published by Stewart and Woolf, series number 432

Published by G.A. and Co., series number 915

As always, 100's more vintage postcards and vintage magazines on my web site

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  1. Lovely postcards. These ladies reminded me of the women I saw bathing in burkas in Turkey. It doesn't look very comfortable all these wet clothes. Happy PFF.

  2. What a pretty pink suit! I imagine that the sand collection around the legs and arms would be a bit sticky - yet these are rather risque for the day.

  3. Lovely cards. Love the fashions! Happy PFF!

  4. these postcards might have been risque, back in they day! see my blog for the beach these ladies might visit.

  5. They are such pretty girls in their old fashioned bathing suits. I love the hats or bonnets they are wearing. Great cards.

  6. Those are really quite revealing, wouldn't you say? I agree with the others, risqué once upon a time!

  7. "Suit yourself!"...and suit they did.

  8. I LOVE that first postcard especially! I also really like the entire post. LOL These ladies are so cute! lol

    Happy PFF! You made my day, by the way--wonderful post.

  9. What great postcards. I love the colors in the first card.

  10. I'm assuming these postcards were specifically targeted at women wanting to send details of the latest fashions spied in their favourite holiday spot to their friends back home. Are there any messages on the back which might provide some clues, I wonder?

  11. I suspect those cards were targeted at men who liked pictures of pretty women!

  12. That style of artwork always appeals to me - the colors are so pretty.

  13. Love these old cards and the fashions are so fantastic.

  14. Pretty revealing is my impression too. Yep, probably for a man's taste in women's wear.

  15. I wonder what they would think of today's fashions. Two fine cards.

  16. On the first card you see these two ladies in the background whispering to each other. Some things never change... :)

  17. Wonderful cards with the delicate tints. Oh those
    strappy ballet slippers...must have been uncomfortable but then everything was, in those days.

  18. They are lovely cards, and their bathing outfits look highly fashionable. You might want to check through the library of Congress photos, I remember seeing photos similar to those there.

  19. These are lovely. Those strappy slippers set off the stylish bathing wear, but were surely impractical.

  20. Very pretty! I love the colors in the first one.

    Kathy M.

  21. So glad I stopped by today. Great cards - and loved the swim suit with attitude.

  22. Very quaint choices for our theme this weekend. In this era, a lady at the seaside would be without her corset, so exposing her true waist size would definitely require a robe.

  23. Lovely postcards. Like others have commented before me, I too like the colors in the first postcard as well.

  24. A post to get an old man's blood coursing through his veins.

  25. Great cards. Love the fashion of the cute ladies. Even a hat and shoes to go bathing.

  26. Love these cards. So pretty. I guess they were probably pretty risque at the time, but now very tame.

  27. Ah, the true female shape used to be truly appreciated!


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